Code of Conduct staff

Code of Conduct for Staff:

1. ProfessionalValuesandRelationships

1.1 Becaring,fairandcommittedtothebestinterests ofthepupils/studentsentrustedtotheircare,and seek to motivate, inspire and celebrate effort and success
1.2 Acknowledge and respect the uniqueness, individuality and specific needs of pupils/ studentsandpromotetheirholisticdevelopment
1.3 Becommittedtoequalityandinclusionand torespectingandaccommodatingdiversity
Including those differences arising from gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race, and ethnicity, membership of the Traveler community and socio-economicstatus,andanyfurthergrounds asmaybereferencedinequalitylegislationinthe future
1.4 Seek to develop positive relationships with pupils/students, colleagues, parents, school management and others in the school community,thatarecharacterizedbyprofessional integrity andjudgment
1.5 Worktoestablishandmaintainacultureof mutualtrustandrespectintheirschools.

2. ProfessionalIntegrity

2.1 Actwithhonestyandintegrityinallaspectsof theirwork
2.2 Respect the privacy of others and the confidentiality of information gained in the course ofprofessionalpractice,unlessalegalimperative requires disclosure or there is a legitimate concernforthewellbeingofanindividual
2.3 Representthemselves,theirprofessionalstatus,
Qualifications and experience honestly
2.4 Usetheirname/namesassetoutintheRegisterof Teachers,inthecourseoftheirprofessionalduties
2.5 Avoid conflict between their professional work andprivateinterestswhichcouldreasonablybe deemedtoimpactnegativelyonpupils/students.

3. ProfessionalConduct

3.1 Upholdthereputationandstandingofthe profession
3.2 Takeallreasonablestepsinrelationtothecareof pupils/studentsundertheirsupervision,soasto ensuretheirsafetyandwelfare
3.3 Workwithintheframeworkofrelevantlegislation andregulations
3.4 Complywithagreednationalandschoolpolicies, proceduresandguidelineswhichaimtopromote pupil/student education and welfare and child protection
3.5 Report,whereappropriate,incidentsormatters whichimpactonpupil/studentwelfare
3.6 Communicate effectively with pupils/students, colleagues, parents, school management and othersintheschoolcommunityinamannerthat isprofessional,collaborativeandsupportive,and basedontrustandrespect
3.7 Ensure that any communication with pupils/ students, colleagues, parents, school managementandothersisappropriate,including communicationviaelectronicmedia,suchas
E-mail, texting and social networking sites3.8 Ensure that they do not knowingly access, downloadorotherwisehaveintheirpossession whileengagedinschoolactivities,inappropriate materials/imagesinelectronicorotherformat
3.9 Ensure that they do not knowingly access, downloadorotherwisehaveintheirpossession, illicit materials/images in electronic or other format
3.10 Ensurethattheydonotpracticewhileunderthe influence of any substance which impairs their fitness toteach.

4. ProfessionalPractice

4.1 Maintainhighstandardsofpracticeinrelation topupil/studentlearning,planning,monitoring, assessing,reportingandprovidingfeedback
4.2 Apply their knowledge and experience in facilitatingpupils’/students’holisticdevelopment
4.3 Planandcommunicateclear,challengingand achievableexpectationsforpupils/students
4.4 Createanenvironmentwherepupils/studentscan becomeactiveagentsinthelearningprocessand developlifelonglearningskills
4.5 Develop teaching, learning and assessment strategies that support differentiated learning inawaythatrespectsthedignityofallpupils/ students
4.6 Informtheirprofessionaljudgmentandpractice by engaging with, and reflecting on, pupil/ student development, learning theory,pedagogy, curriculum development, ethical practice, educationalpolicyandlegislation
4.7 In a context of mutual respect, be open and responsivetoconstructivefeedbackregarding theirpracticeand,ifnecessary,seekappropriate support,adviceandguidance
4.8 Actinthebestinterestofpupils/students.

5. ProfessionalDevelopment

5.1 Takepersonalresponsibilityforsustainingand improving the quality of their professional practiceby:
• Actively maintaining their professional knowledgeandunderstandingtoensureitis current
• Reflecting on and critically evaluating theirprofessionalpractice,inlightoftheir professional knowledgebase
• Availingofopportunitiesforcareer-long professionaldevelopment.

6. Professional Collegiality and Collaboration

6.1 Work with teaching colleagues and student teachersintheinterestsofsharing,developing and supporting good practice and maintaining thehighestqualityofeducationalexperiencesfor pupils/students
6.2 Work in a collaborative manner with pupils/ students, parents/guardians, school management, other members of staff, relevant professionalsandthewiderschoolcommunity, as appropriate, in seeking to effectively meet the needs ofpupils/students
6.3 Cooperate with the Inspectorate of the DepartmentofEducationandSkillsandother statutoryandpublicnon-statutoryeducational andsupportservices,asappropriate
6.4 Engagewiththeplanning,implementationand evaluationofcurriculumatclassroomandschool level.





The Bapuji Educational Association is one of the oldest and most prestigious educational institutions in Karnataka. It came into existence in 1958 with the sole purpose of starting a first grade college in Davanagere. It intended to cater to the needs of those who aspired for higher education. All the lovers of higher education volunteered their service whole heartedly in building up this association. Money flowed in as the donors contributed splendidly. Though imparting higher education to the aspirants was the Association's main objective, it gave attention to start a wide range of schools and colleges according to the situational needs and demands. Today the association has grown to be a big tree, like the banyan,with all its twigs and branches. It runs schools and colleges right from Nursery to Post Graduate Courses, from Diploma to Engineering, Nursing to Medical. It also runs Pharmacy and Dental Colleges. The left out areas are only Animal Husbandry and Agriculture. There are more than 45 schools and colleges including service facilities, now working under the banner of the Bapuji Educational Association.




BEA College of Education Davanagere ,


Phone No.:08192-222061




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